Certificate of Exemplary Contribution for HIV-AIDS Care
Ms Swapna Manga, Project Coordinator, Telerad Foundation, received *Certificate of Exemplary Contribution* from Ms Preethi Menon (IAS), Project Director of the Telangana State AIDs Control Society (TSACS). This was presented to Ms Swapna on behalf of Apollo Tyres Foundation, for its contributions to prevention, testing and treatment of HIV-AIDS among the long distance trucker and associated population. Five out of 20 organisations which have demonstrated innovative work for targeted population were selected by TSACS for this award.
Ms Swapna coordinates the activities of Apollo Tyres Foundation Health Care Centre in LB Nagar, Hyderabad. Telerad Foundation is the implementing partner of Apollo Tyres Foundation, the CSR arm of Apollo Tyres Limited which supports 33 healthcare centres for the trucker population in some of the important transhipment hubs across India.