Phygital PHC FPO Camp Diary: 16th May 2023 at Vittal Rukmini Mandir of Dautpur Village, Osmanabad Taluk & District, Maharashtra

A Women Health Camp was conducted on 16th May 2023 for the women farmers associated with Grant Thornton Farmers Producer Company (FPC).

The camp was held in Vittal Rukmini Mandir of Dautpur Village, Osmanabad Taluk & District, Maharashtra.

Ms. Rekha (BOD) from Manjiri Sakhi Farmer Producing Company, ASHA & Anganwadi workers were present in the camp.

Altogether 72 beneficiaries were benefitted from the camp. Phygital PHC staff Ms. Nandini and Ms. Surekha were leading the camp.

The beneficiaries received Physician consultations for Gynaecology, Diabetes, Hypertension, ENT, Paediatrics and other general Health problems.

Generic medicines were supplied for the camp by the Health Department of Maharashtra.

Grant Thornton is Bayer's FPO implementing Partner.

Phygital PHC is a CSR initiative of Bayer Foundation. Implemented and managed by Telerad Foundation and RxDx Healthcare.
