Phygital PHC FPO Camp Diary: 23rd January 2024
Ewati Village, Osmanabad Taluk & District, Maharashtra
An Eye Screening, NCD Screening and General Health Camp was conducted on 23rd January 2024 for the farmers associated with Grant Thornton Farmers Producer Organization (FPO).
The camp was held in Ewati Village, Osmanabad Taluk & District, Maharashtra.
The health camp was formally inaugurated by Ewati Village Panchayat President Mrs Ushabhai Mukhundrao, Mr S D Devkathe (Gramsevak) from Ewati village, Mr Yogesh Tale from Grant Thornton FPO and Mr Mahendra & Mr Mahesh from Telerad Foundation were also present in the camp.
Other notable guests such as Ewati village Panchayat members, Manjiri Sakhi FPC members, ASHA and Anganwadi workers were also present in the health camp.
Total 268 beneficiaries were screened for eye problems i.e. Diabetic Retinopathy 134 and Refractive Error 134. Screening for Diabetes, Hypertension, and Anemia has been conducted for a total of 131 members.
Total 83 beneficiaries received Physicians consultation in the camp via teleconsultation. Phygital PHC staffs Ms Surekha& Ms Sukeshani was leading the camp.
The beneficiaries received Physician consultations for Ophthalmology, Gynaecology, Diabetes, Hypertension, ENT, Paediatric and other general Health problems
Generic medicines were supplied for the camp by the Health Department of Maharashtra.
Phygital PHC is a CSR initiative of Bayer Foundation. Implemented and managed by Telerad Foundation and RxDx Healthcare.